Club membership forms

Membership Form

FQTir Membership Form

Important Links and Numbers

Shooting Federation of Canada


Quebec Shooting Federation

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

restricted firearms registry
Quebec Provincial Police
Transport Permits

Quebec non-restricted firearm registry

Getting a firearm in Canada

In Canada, to legally purchase or own a firearm or ammunition you must have a valid Possession and Aquisition License (PAL).

There are three classes of licences in Canada, Non-Restricted (most rifles), Restricted (most handguns and some rifles) and Prohibited (some rifles and some handguns).

To get a non-restricted you need to take and pass the non-restricted firearms class (You can visit to see the schedule for classes).
For a restricted course, you must additionally take the restricted firearms class, as well as a bill9 class (You can visit to see the schedule for classes).
Once you have passed your required class(es) and received confirmation, you can then apply for the license that you want with the RCMP. The forms are usually given out at the classes, but you can also visit the RCMP website to get the registration form.
Prohibited is a special class and has different subsets within it. It is not a class that you can apply for.

Restricted licenses come with the understanding that you require that license for A) your profession (Security Guard, Law Enforcement, etc.), You are a collector (which requires detailed knowledge of the historical, technical or scientific features of every firearm in your collection), or you practice target shooting (You must be a member of a gun club, and shoot at least once a year).

You do not require a license to use our club rifles.