About Pointe-Claire Rifle Club

Incorporated in 1961 for the following purposes:
To educate persons in the safe and efficient handling of firearms; to encourage organized target shooting among citizens with a view towards a better knowledge on the part of such persons of the safe handling and proper care of firearms, as well as improved marksmanship; to develop among members those qualities of patriotism and good sportsmanship which are the basic ingredients of good citizenship; and to do all such other acts or things as are incidental or conclusive to or consequential upon the attainment of the above objects.

The Club started in the early 1950s as the Lake St-Louis Rifle Club and changed to the Pointe-Claire Rifle and Musket Club.
In 1961 was incorporated as the Pointe-Claire Rifle Club Inc.
The club was located in the basement of Stewart Hall Cultural Center until 1995.
It relocated to the basement of 401 St-Jean Boulevard, City Hall, Pointe-Claire until 2018
2019 new location at 115 Gun Avenue, Pointe-Claire.
Maintaining a competitive club with great camaraderie has resulted in loyal, long-term memberships. We are proud to say that we have many 3rd generation Junior members.
Many members have contributed to the efficient administration and maintenance of the Club.

Club achievements
- Since the mid ’50s, the club has made target shooting an enjoyable event for over 4,000 past members
- Members have officiated at the Olympic Games
- Member participated as target shooter in the Olympic Games
- 0.0 accidents in over 70 years of Club target shooting activities
- Proud example of sound and safe firearm handling as a recreational activity
- Firearm verification (RCMP approved)
- Sponsoring Cadet shooting activities by providing regular range availability and coaching

A long history of competitive events, where our efforts were fully rewarded.